New digital currencies have been appearing more and more frequently in the market lately, and some of them are already being actively used as a means of payment. As such, each new instrument deserves attention. And among the relatively new options, CBDC deserves particular attention. Even now, many experts say that in the future, it may become the dominant currency around the world. And it’s worth noting that there are a lot of studies in this field today and about 86% of all banks say that they are seriously considering CBDC. If you take into account the statistics for a few years earlier, the figure has increased in many ways.
The essence of CBDC is certainty, because global financial development requires the use of modern technology and tools from financial institutions. And for banks the benefits are clear:
But possible risks must also be considered.
To a large extent, innovative solutions depend on the user’s confidence that there will be no abuse by the financial institution itself. It is worth realising that a number of advantages suggest that there are opportunities to benefit. But on the other hand, if the new mechanism does not become a protection for the public, what is left to protect? After all, that is the main task of financial institutions. Regardless of the advantages and disadvantages, financial institutions simply have no choice but to start a digital battle, without this decentralisation could destroy institutions, for which a huge portion of the budget is being spent to save them.
We need to work out, if CBDC is just a form of digital money, why aren’t financial institutions doing the issuing? After all, CBDC could be a really great idea:
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